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FDR: American Badass! (2012) Review

FDR: American Badass

Dir. Gareth Brawith – 93 minutes

Barry Bostwick, Lin Shaye , Kevin Sorbo, Ray Wise

Oh where to start with this . Well I was really looking forward to this as its from the team that brought us Poolboy: Drowning out the Fury in 2011 which I loved.

So expectations were high and even more so when I realised Brian Bostwick (Brad from The Rocky Horror Picture Show) was starring as FDR and Bruce McGill (D-Day from Animal House) . Two great comic actors from two of my favourite films.

It is 1931 and FDR (Bostick) is currently a governor and is out shooting with friends when they are attacked by a werewolf. Two friends are killed and FDR is bitten on the leg , before heroically killing it.

FDR comes round in hospital and is told by the doctors that werewolf bites contain Polio and he has lost the use of his legs (but luckily his cock still works). Louis (McGill) is FDR’s right hand man and best friend , and he learns from the doctor that the werewolf that attacked them was a Nazi and may have been sent by Hitler himself.

So that is a very basic synopsis , I really didn’t want to go much further as there would be spoilers aplenty and this film hit’s the spot so often and on so many levels that its easier to just watch it and enjoy.

FDR: Badass is a hilarious film , within the first 5 minutes you know what you are going to get and then it just gets better . FDR is a foul mouthed Governor who becomes President. Eleanor (Lin Shaye) is a wonderfully repressed but feisty first lady , Louis is the loyal friend and confidant who keeps FDR in check.

Throughout the film we meet lots of weird , wonderful and very funny characters with Kevin Sorbo , Ray Wise , Matt Winston , Robert Shafer and the great Richard Riehle all starring along the way.

This is joke a minute territory , very politically incorrect and sexist. The language used for the 1930’s is hilarious with lots of modern gansta words incorporated , and a lovely Bon Jovi quote that made me howl.

This film never takes itself seriously , and reminds me of Airplane , Top Secret and even a little bit of Blazing Saddles.

The highlights for me were the totally inappropriate Mr & Mrs Buford and FDR’s small withered polio legs.

I really can’t recommend this enough , watch with friends , definitely with beers and enjoy.

It is not going to challenge you , it won’t make you think , it won’t scare you BUT it will make you laugh.

A howling success 8/10

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